Monday 15 October 2012

It’s Okay to Be Soft.

Photo: Patricia Lazar

Some days it would be easier if we were all tough.

Life gets complicated. It wears us down. It hurts. But it isn’t being hardened by it that gets us through it. It isn’t being jaded that allows us to survive the hard parts. It’s staying soft. It’s being broken open by it and staying open, no matter what. It’s staring at what comes at us—unblinking—and staying still in our softness even when it hurts.
When we feel pain—physically or emotionally—it’s a huge gift. It’s a message from our bodies or our hearts that something is wrong. It isn’t something to run away from. If we let it, it can teach us. Instead of going numb, becoming hardened or running away—let it in.
Lean into the pain. Look at it. It’s okay. It’s okay to be hurt. It’s more than okay, it’s necessary. It’s good to be in love with this beautiful, painful, crazy world we live in even though it hurts sometimes.

It’s okay to be soft:

“Be soft.

Do not let the world make you hard.

Do not let the pain make you hate.

Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.

Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree,

you still believe it to be a beautiful place.”

~ Unknown

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