Sunday 29 June 2014




  • 2 cups Red Delicious apples, chopped
  • 2 cups Bartlett pear, chopped
  • 1 cup canned chickpeas, rinsed and drained
  • ½ cup celery, chopped
  • ½ cup chopped walnuts
  • ½ cup red grapes, halved
  • ⅓ cup unsweetened dried cranberries
  • ½ cup vegan mayonnaise
  • ¼ tsp. dijon mustard
  • 1 tbsp. dried tarragon leaves
  • 2 tbsp. tarragon wine vinegar
  • Sea Salt (optional)
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • ground nutmeg (optional)


  1. Combine apples, pears, celery, walnuts, cranberries and grapes in a large serving bowl, set aside.
  2. Combine mayonnaise, tarragon wine vinegar, dijon mustard, and tarragon leaves in a medium bowl; mix well. Toss with apple mixture and season with sea salt(optional) and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Chill before serving. Sprinkle with ground nutmeg (optional) right before serving for a fall twist. Serve on top of fresh salad greens or on rolls. Store in an air-tight container in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Pasta Recipe: Rigatoni with Beef Ragu 

Ragu is a sauce that's been around for many centuries. In Italian cuisine, this is usually made with a braised beef or spicy pork and although some view it as a tomato-based sauce, it's actually a meat-based sauce with only a small amount of tomato added in. 
Traditionally the ragu is made on the stove in two separate courses: the savory sauce for pasta, and a dish of cooked beef. To save time, we've combined those courses and baked the dish in the oven. This allowed us to save a little moisture in the pan and gave us a sauce that perfectly clung to the pasta. We also didn't have to stay on our feet stirring frequently and got to relax for about two hours between steps. Keep reading below for this fantastic recipe...

Pasta Recipe: Rigatoni with Beef Ragu

Rigatoni With Beef Ragu

  • 1lb boneless beef chuck-eye roast, cut into 4 pieces and trimmed of fat
  • kosher salt
  • pepper
  • 2oz pancetta, cut into 1/2" pieces
  • 2oz salami, cut into 1/2" pieces
  • 1 small carrot, peeled, and cut into 1/2" pieces
  • 1 small rib celery, cut into 1/2" pieces
  • 2 1/2lbs onions, halved and cut into 1" pieces
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 cup dry white wine
  • 2 tablespoons minced fresh marjoram (or oregano as a substitute)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
  • 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 1lb rigatoni
  • 1oz Pecorino romano cheese, grated, plus extra for garnish
  1. Sprinkle beef wit salt and pepper then set aside. Preheat the oven to 300F.
  2. Process the pancetta and salami in a food processor until ground into a paste (about 30 seconds). Scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed. Add carrot, garlic, and celery and process an additional 30 seconds. Transfer the paste to a Dutch oven and set aside. Do not clean out the processor bowl. Pulse the onions in the processor in two batches until they form about 1/8" to 1/4" pieces.
  3. Cook the panchetta mixture over medium heat, stirring frequently, until the fat is rendered and a fond begins to form on the bottom of the pot (about 5 minutes). Add the tomato paste and cook, stirring constantly, until browned (about 90 seconds). Stir in 2 cups of water and scrape up any of the fond on the bottom of the pot.  Stir in the onions and bring to a boil. Stir in 1/2 cup wine, the parlsey, and 1 tablespoon marjoram (or oregano if using). Add the beef and push into the onions to ensure the beef is submerged. Transfer to the oven and cook, uncovered, until the beef is fully tender (about 2 to 2 1/2 hours).
  4. Transfer the beef to a carving board. Place the Dutch oven over medium heat and cook, stirring frequently, until the mixture is almost completely dry. Stir in the remaining 1/2 cup wine and cook for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Use two forks to shred the beef into bite-size pieces, then stir the beef, red pepper flakes, and remaining 1 tablespoon marjoram into the sauce. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Remove from heat, cover, and keep warm.
  5. Bring 4 quarts of water to a boil in a large pot. Add rigatoni and 2 tablespoons salt. Cook, stirring often, until just al dente. Drain the rigatoni and add to the warm sauce. Add the pecornio and stir vigorously over low heat until the sauce is slightly thickened and the rigatoni is fully tender (1 to 2 minutes). Serve, garnishing with extra pecorino.
  6. Enjoy!

english baked beans & toast

Another busy day in the kitchen and I’m just plain tired. I’ve been snapping photos all day and now I’m looking forward to just hanging out with our company tomorrow, sipping wine, hanging out by the campfire and relaxing.
Jeff is outside grilling steaks. I made mashed potatoes & gravy and coleslaw to go with them. We’re grilling out as much as possible before Old Man Winter comes to town. We DO grill during the winter too, but not nearly as much. The season is definitely winding down. What sorts of things do you grill in the autumn?
Here’s a delicious recipe for “baked” beans. You may be familiar with the English tradition of piling baked beans on toast for breakfast. I’m friends with a few Brits and they have all sorts of different variations on this theme. Right out of the can is popular too! If you’re looking for something a bit less traditional, with a little more spunk… you’ve come to the right place. These are bacony, herby, and tomatoey and spicy and the perfect accompaniment to a big mug of black Keemun tea! We like ours with a soft-yolked, fried eggs broken over the top.
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
3 large cloves garlic, minced
1 lb hickory smoked bacon, fried until crispy
5 sprigs fresh thyme, leaves removed
2 large sprigs fresh oregano (keep whole)
1 large sprig rosemary (keep whole)
2 (14 oz.) cans petite diced tomatoes (I use fire-roasted)
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 jalapeno pepper, chopped fine
2 Tablespoons Heinz 57 (or THIS HOMEMADE STEAK SAUCE)
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard (I used Trader Joe’s with white wine)
2 (14 oz.) cans Cannellini beans, rinsed and drained well
1 loaf crusty bread, sliced, buttered and toasted in skillet (like you would grilled cheese)
Heat the oil in a large, heavy bottomed Dutch oven. Add the onion, salt and pepper. Cook for 5 minutes, over medium heat, until translucent and tender. Add garlic. Cook for 1 additional minute. Add most of the fried bacon (save a bit for garnish,) thyme leaves, oregano sprigs and rosemary sprig, tomatoes, brown sugar, jalapeno, steak sauce, Worcestershire, and Dijon. Simmer gently for 20 minutes. Stir in the Cannellini beans. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Cook for an additional 10 minutes.
Liberally butter thick, crusty, rustic bread slices. Toast them in a skillet as you would grilled cheese sandwiches. Place one or two slices on each plate, top with a generous amount of beans. Serve with or without tea and eggs. Garnish with a little more crumbled bacon and finely chopped, fresh parsley if you wish.

Experience: my dog found my cancer

'None of the oncologists I met was sceptical about Mia's role in diagnosing my cancer – they have heard it before'

experience: Emilie Clark with dog Mia
Emilie Clark with Mia: 'She fixed her eyes on mine and stared intently. She seemed certain there was a problem.' Photograph: Mark Chilvers for the Guardian
I met my miniature dachshund, Mia, at a rescue centre five years ago. She was one of a litter of 12-week-old puppies confiscated from a puppy farm. I hoped she would be my assistance dog for my health problems. Since birth, I have suffered with a type of heart arrhythmia called ventricular tachycardia. My heart races and, if I don't take medication immediately to slow it, I lose consciousness. I've had to be rushed to hospital to have it restarted. Unrelated to that, at 19 I started to lose my hearing and now struggle with high-pitched sounds such as the phone or doorbell ringing.
I was studying to be a vet, so the idea of having an assistance dog appealed to me – I love animals. The theory was that Mia would alert me when the phone was ringing or when my heart rate was speeding up and I had to take emergency medication. When she was 16 weeks old, she was assessed by a charity that trains pets to become assistance dogs. I hoped the immediate and instinctive bond Mia and I shared when we met meant she'd be suitable.
She qualified as my assistance dog just before her second birthday. Mia learned to alert me just before my arrhythmia starts by making a horrible screeching noise and jumping up at me. She ferrets in my handbag and brings me my heart medicine. She puts her paw on my leg to inform me when the phone's ringing. Once we were in B&Q when the fire alarm sounded and, executing her training perfectly, she lay on the floor and stared at me, hard, to tell me a siren was blaring.
One evening in November 2011, I was at my computer when Mia leapt on to my lap and nuzzled into the flesh at the top of my left breast. She closed her eyes and licked furiously. That frightened me because it's what she does when I have a bruise or cut.
I pushed her gently away but she fixed her eyes on mine and stared at me intently, as she does when she's alerting me to something. I was uneasy now. Mia seemed certain there was a problem with the area at the top of my breast. I couldn't distinguish anything – my breasts are naturally lumpy – so it was difficult. All evening Mia attempted to leap on to my lap and tend to the area of skin where she perceived a problem. The following morning, I visited my GP with a sense of dread. I asked for an ultrasound or a mammogram. I didn't start the consultation by telling him that my dog had alerted me to the possible abnormality – I was aware it might sound far-fetched, but when he was dismissive, saying it was unlikely I had breast cancer because I was only 24, I explained.
"I know dogs detect cancer and my dog is determined there's something wrong with my breast," I said firmly. Then I informed him that, as I trusted my dog, I wasn't leaving his surgery until he'd made me a hospital appointment.
My faith in Mia's diagnostic abilities wasn't misplaced. I had an ultrasound within a week and, sure enough, there was a lump that a biopsy later confirmed was grade 2a breast cancer. Two days later, I was in surgery having the lump removed. Then I started radiotherapy – five days a week for three weeks. I was angry. I was only 24 and I'd already suffered so many health problems.
It made everything else harder. Training to be a vet requires 100% dedication and, with fighting cancer and having intense and exhausting radiotherapy, I couldn't give that, so I had to drop out of university. They were really hard times. My relationship broke up and I had to move back home with my parents. Mia was by my side through it all. Cuddling her after bad news or a gruelling session of treatment alleviated some of the pain.
None of the oncologists I met during my ordeal was sceptical about Mia's role in diagnosing my cancer – they had heard it before. There's a charity called Medical Detection Dogs that trains dogs to sniff out cancer, and its work is endorsed by Cancer Research UK. Scientists are researching how dogs possess this diagnostic ability so that humans can harness it.
Fortunately, my cancer hadn't spread but it will be another 16 months of scans before doctors grant me the all clear. Meanwhile, I'm rebuilding my life. No matter what life serves up, the bond between Mia and me will always be incredibly strong.
• As told to Jane Common

The World's 10 Best Castles

Formidable stone bulwarks and soaring medieval keeps, romantic palaces and regal mansion homes that ooze with opulence from every nook and cranny; the castles of the world are so varied in their appearance and character that finding the best ones can be a daunting task for any traveler. Amidst the web of England's old hilltop rises, France's majestic country châteaux, Germany's sprawling Gothic palaces, Canada's revival-style hotels and America's high-society retreats, there's an endless map of them to explore.
Here's a list of Hopper's top ten castles, which we recommend no self-respecting history buff, architecture-lover or castle enthusiast should miss as they pass across the globe.
10. Step into classic American aristocracy at the richly adorned Hearst Castle in California
2014-06-27-ScreenShot20140625at12.18.43PM.pngHearst Castle, by pandaposse.
Sprawled over more than 8,000 square meters on the Santa Lucia Mountains, midway between the cities of San Francisco and LA, this great complex of Mediterranean Revival architecture, Romanesque pools, neo-classical halls and majestic living spaces offers visitors a glimpse of 1950s American high society as well as an unadulterated panoramic view of the Pacific Ocean. It was once the home of William Randolph Hearst, who subsequently bequeathed the castle to the State of California, opening up the grounds and grand upper rooms to tour groups and guests from across the globe.
9. Heidelberg Castle: the renaissance gem of Baden-Württemberg, Germany
2014-06-27-ScreenShot20140627at9.46.55AM.pngHeidelberg Castle, by huskyte77.
Nestled amidst the verdant hills of Baden-Württemberg and crowning the great old town of medieval Heidelberg, this sprawling German schloss is another of the country's most remarkable romantic sights. Today visitors are invited to wander amidst the endless ruins and pretty gardens that lay between the bulwarks, surveying the old keep and scaling the parapets that overlook the city. Inside, great collections of German art and treasures from Heidelberg's golden age remain, while some of the ruined sections of the original outer fortifications are strewn across the grounds, remnants from when the castle was destroyed by a lightning-bolt in 1764.
8. Endless gardens to explore at the Château et jardins de Villandry in France
2014-06-27-ScreenShot20140627at9.52.36AM.pngChâteau et jardins de Villandry, by moutoons.
Since its construction in the late Renaissance, the Chateau et Jardins de Villandry has seen some towering figures of European history pass through its elegant hallways. Once the home of France's formidable Le Breton family, the property passed into the hands of Napoleon himself after 1789, finally becoming the property of the emperor's own brother Jerome. But historical luminaries aside, the real pull of the Chateau et Jardins de Villandry is its sprawling grounds; a patchwork of labyrinthine mazes and blooming flower gardens that seemingly go on forever!
7. Norman keeps and Victorian high society at Cardiff Castle in Wales
2014-06-27-ScreenShot20140627at9.56.18AM.pngCardiff Castle, by BoyDisappearing.
Take a closer look with Hopper's list of the 5 best castles in Wales
Situated right in the heart of Cardiff city center, this sprawling fortification and regal manor house is one of the most defining monuments of Wales' capital city. Inside the newer outer walls, the original Norman keep and moat can be seen towards the northern end, while subsequent additions in the 15th, 16th and later 18th century, gave rise to the larger lodging rooms that now cluster around the west and south gates. Today, daily tours take visitors through the regal rooms of the Victorian manor house, across the original lines of the Roman fort, and into the ruined Norman keep of the 11th century.
6. Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City is North America's most romantic (and photogenic) hotel
2014-06-27-ScreenShot20140627at10.12.57AM.pngFairmont Le Chateau Frontenac, by archer10.
Canada's answer to Bavarian Neuschwanstein remains one of the most dramatic sights in all of Quebec City. It towers high above the town, a dominating mix of gothic turrets, fairy-tale spires and dramatic buildings. Since its construction in the late 19th century, Chateau Frontenac has stayed true to its purpose, serving travellers to Quebec with luxurious accommodation in the heart of town. In the process the building has gained National Historic status, appeared in Hitchcock movies and is widely known as the most photographed hotel on the planet!
5. Visit Scotland's greatest landmark at Edinburgh Castle
2014-06-27-ScreenShot20140627at10.15.30AM.pngEdinburgh Castle, by zoetnet.
Some other Scottish castles were used as filming locations for 'Downton Abbey'
The historical origins of Edinburgh's formidable Castle on the rock are shrouded in mystery; it's mentioned sporadically in the epic poems of the 6th century, popping up in the regional annals occasionally, before finally coming to the fore of Scottish history when Edinburgh established itself as the seat of monarchic power in the 12th century. Today visitors can wander up to the castle at the end of the Royal Mile, pass through the Portcullis Gate amidst the honorific statues of Robert the Bruce and William Wallace, and tour the various fortifications that have stood here for so many centuries.
4. Legends abound at the Blarney Castle in Ireland
2014-06-27-ScreenShot20140627at11.46.11AM.pngBlarney Castle, by djwtwo.
One of the most-visited sites in southern Ireland is also one of the country's most pristine examples of medieval fortification. Standing stark and formidable in the heart of the Blarney grounds, the great Muskerry keep and adjoining towers shoulder their way above the oak tree canopy, casting their shadow over the mysterious rock formations of the Druid's Circle and Witch's Cave. But Blarney's real pull comes from its uppermost bulwark, where the legendary Blarney Stone now hangs awkwardly some distance from the ground. Don't leave without giving it a kiss, for it's said the stone endows those who do with the gift of the gab!
3. UNESCO heritage in the north of England at Durham Castle
2014-06-27-ScreenShot20140627at12.05.39PM.pngDurham Castle, by mrgarethm.
Once a bastion of English defence in the north, the original structures of Durham Castle were first erected at the command of William the Conqueror in the late 11th century. These quickly developed into a complex of stone fortifications and formidable battlements, with the great hexagonal keep on the crest of the hill coming to dominate the old town centre. Today, the site enjoys UNESCO status and is famed for its fantastic level of preservation, long history and undeniable architectural beauty.
2. Discover a relic of Romania's past at the Fagaras Citadel
2014-06-27-ScreenShot20140627at1.43.40PM.pngFagaras Citadel, by Antoine 49.
Situated right in the heart of central Romania, the Fagaras fortress in the town of the same name represents one of Eastern Europe's largest and best-preserved feudal Castle complexes. Unquestionably the most-visited site in the medieval old town of the city, the castle was once the kingpin of regional power. Throughout the 17th century, the citadel was expanded continuously, reflecting the growing wealth of a centre that exercised control over much of Transylvania and central Romania.
1. High Romanticism at the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany
2014-06-27-ScreenShot20140627at2.04.45PM.pngNeuschwanstein Castle, by - peperoni -.
Hailed as one of the most romantic sights to behold the world over, the spires and turrets of Bavaria's iconic Neuschwanstein Castle have soared above the village of Hohenschwangau since they were first raised by the idealistic Ludwig II in 1892. For historians and artists the dramatic building has become synonymous with the Romantic movement of middle Europe, and it's easy to see why. Those who behold the great panoramas of the Alpsee valley, or just the dramatic white walls of Neuschwanstein itself can often be whisked away into the fairytale world of a Wagnerian opera or a Disneyland of wizards, kings and mysterious legends that rarely fails to enrapture.

For Dolly

Don't grieve too long for now I'm free
I've followed the path God set for me
I ran to Him when I heard His call
I swished my tail and left it all.
I could not stay another day
To Bark,to love, to romp or play
Games left unplayed must stay that way
I found such peace; it made my day.
My parting has left you with a void
Please feel it with remembered joy
A friendship shared, your laugh, a kiss
Oh yes, these things I too shall miss
Be not burdened with times of sorrow
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow
My life's been full, you've given so much
Your time, your love and gentle touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief
Lift up your head and share with me

God wanted me; He set me free!!

10 Kick-Ass Qualities of “Wonderful Women” We Want to Be Around.

Via on Jun 27, 2014

Gulabi Gangs via Wikimedia Commons

Wonderful women have a way of making you feel at home, even when you are not.

They have an easy way of “talking and being” that inspires you to be your better self, in spite of every excuse you have ever heard. They encourage us to celebrate the blues that we are sure have only kept us down.
A wonderful woman, like my late grandmother, can make you feel like you can do almost anything, and in a real and authentic way that humbles you to realize that you are good enough “just as you are”, and to simply sit still if you wish, because that it is okay sometimes to listen more than to talk.
Imagine that, no one will die if you choose to be elegant and quiet for just a moment.
It is a feeling I first discovered when I was a sweet young lass of about four, when I watched a group of women gather for late afternoon tea and conversation out on the old veranda of my grandmother’s that became “that woman”s place.”
All wide-eyed and curious, I ventured out near the too-tall chrysanthemums and fragrant lilies to hear the dialogue and chatter of ladies who gathered together for more than just comfortable company and long hot drinks.
It was just about half past three when I noticed how relaxed and funny my grandmother, whose name was Anna Lee, and originally from Oklahoma, appeared amongst the loud and nervous talk of other women, and how much they admired her confident sense of authenticity, never afraid to be herself, even if that meant being entirely vulnerable or even awkwardly truthful at times.
But most importantly, her relaxed and humorous manner inspired me to always be comfortable in whatever skin I was wearing, and in any environment.  She once said, “No one will ever take you seriously if you cannot laugh at yourself.  And while this may seem simple, it is simple in the most profound of ways, as a sense of humor is what can see anyone through the most seemingly tragic of experiences.
I was fortunate to have another woman in my life who inspired me to be brave even when it seemed that may be a lofty impossibility. My mother is that woman, and to this day she elicits a warm “sense of being” in everyone that she comes across. Her calm and strong sense of self only inspires others one to meet her level of serenity, and calls upon you to deepen your understanding of what it means to live gracefully, no matter what you are suffering through.

Call it courage, a stubborn personality, a spine, or just plain old-fashioned spice and sugar, but the women I have admire deeply were never afraid to speak up and speak loud, or remain quiet when silence could speak more than a thousand speeches given by the best male orators and preachers on a Baptist Sunday afternoon.

If you are fortunate enough, you may have known an incredible woman who has helped you to question everything you have ever thought was impossible, and to remain fearless in the face of all reasoned excuses of why you may not be able to pull through.
And what’s more, this woman may open herself up to you wholeheartedly each time you are around her, either with her eyes, her heart and body, and with a real warm sense of depth that cannot be described, but only felt.
That is the way a truly wonderful woman can make you feel . . . somehow in awe of her and yet entirely comfortable in her presence, because she is at ease with herself in a humble and giving manner as she wants you to be yourself as well, and with no apologies needed.
The following are Ten Qualities that I believe Wonderful Women may possess, and How they May Make You Feel, if you allow yourself the opportunity:
1. Great women do not make you feel “less than,” nor do they urge you to accomplish more so that you will feel more worthy or loved. Rather, they inspire you to be more like your best self, in whatever form that may take.
2. A wonderful woman does not ask you to defend yourself because she respects the real person that you are, flaws and all. This includes not questioning your motives or desires as you share them, with a passionate acceptance and no-nonsense gleam, no matter how far-fetched they may seem to others.
3. She often takes risks of faith that seem incredibly dangerous, and afterwards you always take for granted that her risks may have been taken just for you. Sometimes she may even seem a bit crazy, which usually means she has discovered some sort of new and wondrous epiphany that she will share with you soon, and with passion.
4. When you are in her presence, you feel as if there is no one else you would rather be around, while you become lost in her conversational and continual wonder. And at the same time, you may feel as if your heart may just leap out of your chest as you listen to her candor and seemingly effortless wisdom.
5. Once in awhile, she may completely surprise you with something that you never knew about her, which she enjoys doing not because she is trying to shock or please you, but because she is living her life in a passionate and authentic manner, the only way that she knows how.
6. When you least expect it, she may sit quietly and listen to you for hours while caught up in your every story, while at other visits she may wish to open herself up with brutally honest stories about extreme challenges she has suffered through, which she always deems as necessary in order to grow, as well as to lived a more fulfilled life.
7. A wonderful woman does not ever cause you to feel shame, embarrassment or guilt. When you are around her, she inspires the most lively part of yourself that you have probably not experienced since being a small child, if ever at all.
8. Sometimes when you are with a truly great woman, you may feel a near-religious experience, as her graceful simplicity and integrity is almost too serene and straightforward to possibly be human. Her empathy and ability to listen without a leap to judgment may inspire you at times to want to be a better person, even when no one is looking.
9. A great woman can often be unpredictable because she is honest about who she is, but this never causes pity or sadness in anyone who witnesses her ups and downs. Rather, her unpredictable behavior is refreshing as it is always met with an honest brand of thoughtful reflection, including having the ability to be honest about how you may be off-course with your own authentic being.
10. And last but not least, a wonderful woman is not afraid to admit when she is wrong, or when she perhaps may have been foolish during her youth or even in the present moment. Rather, all of her adventures in life helps you to feel more alive when you are around her, and each experience she has becomes a valuable asset to the richness of your own existence.
As a the mother of young girls, I only hope that I may inspire them to be courageous, brave, resilient, vulnerable, lovely, ambitious and yet humble, empathetic, and above all, able to live as independent and creative individuals who are never afraid to be themselves and speak up or stand down, if they so choose . . . especially when their words may seem unpopular or unheard of.
I know that it is my responsibility to show them by example what a wonderful woman looks like, in all of her glory and real-life struggles, and that I am a whole and well rounded person because of my challenges, and not in spite of them.
Like my grandmother, I hope that I will be able to laugh until I am 96-years old, while at the next moment I may say something particularly moving and thoughtful, and then downright silly and child-like, because I care enough to do so.
What I have learned most from the wonderful women around me is that there are no mistakes in life that are unworthy of having, because each experience makes us exactly who we are.
It is what we do with those experiences that makes the difference between having and living a full and meaningful life and one that is merely one of existence and simply that of pushing through.
My dream is that my daughters will one day know who they are wherever they happen to be.
This is all I can ask for them as future “wonderful women.”