Thursday 17 January 2013

Come Dine With Dave Lamb


Tuesday 22 May 2012
4Food put your questions to Dave Lamb, the voice of Come Dine With Me
Dave, I love your dry sense of humour. Does it come from your Mum's side of the family or your Dad's?
Posted by Sherry Rickard
Bit of both I think. One of my aunts on my Mum's side used to type up Churchill's speeches during the war. I can imagine her running a little commentary in her head while big Winnie rumbled on. Maybe that's where it came from.
Have you thought of pre-recording a voiceover for your funeral? Would you like to do a post-watershed special where you could use swear words?
Posted by Ellen Wood
Voicing my own funeral would be good. I'm going to be cremated so there would certainly be an opportunity to say 'I'm guessing that Lamb's a little overcooked,' at the end. As for the post-watershed version, yes, I'd love to do one, although to be honest I do come up with a lot of unusable filth at every recording session I do.
If you could put any four of the previous contestants together for a show, just to see what happened, who would they be?
Posted by Twigadee
I would reassemble the Preston week, minus the normal bloke. I even remember their names: Bernard, Nigel, Dawn and Valerie.
What dish would describe you best?
Posted by Katrina
Corned beef hash. Lots of different bits all thrown together. Difficult to wash up after.
Have any of the contestants ever got in touch with you to let you know how angry they are about some of the comments you make?
Posted by Emily
Never. In fact they seem to quite enjoy it. I spoke to one on a radio phone in once who I'd had a right go at (the man who needed to warm some cheese so put it in his shorts' pocket all afternoon) and he was cock-a-hoop about the whole affair.
Lamby, if you were the dinner host, and found you had a guest who was truly hateful, would you 'do' anything to their food to get your own back, and if so what would it be?
Posted by Anna
Are you asking me if I'd slip someone a Mickey Finn? Yes. Yes I would. Just a mild laxative or something, nothing too serious, but significant enough to be an inconvenience. And quite humiliating of course.
Would you consider being the voice on a Sat Nav? It would be hilarious to have you telling everyone off for going the wrong way!
Posted by Tracey Collins
Yes. I would love to do the Sat Nav gig: "I said the second exit at the roundabout, you pillock". And also train announcements, I always think they could be funnier.
Has your experience working on CDWM put your friends off inviting you to their dinner parties?
Posted by mags
I have not been invited to anyone's house for dinner since I got the job. Fact.
Have you ever said anything that was funny but 'over' the line and had to be cut?
Posted by kathyoke45
Always. About 10 times a show. The cutting room floor is littered with libellous filth.
Dave, do you have a favourite Lamb dish?
Posted by Laura McC
Lamb cutlets. My word. Although having said that I had slow roasted shoulder of lamb yesterday and it was beautiful. Cooked for 11 hours it was. It literally fell off the bone. Man alive that was some good eating right there.
Come Dine With Me: The Tasty Bits is out on DVD by ITV Studios Home Entertainment

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