Tuesday 1 October 2013

10 Awesome Secret Passage Bookshelves

If there’s one dream that unites all bookish folks (aside from, you know, universal literacy) it’s the dream of having a secret passageway hidden behind a bookcase. Ok, maybe it just unites some of us- but there’s no denying that there’s something super-nifty about having a bookcase that moves to reveal a space only you know about. You and your builder.
Anywoot! Here’s a roundup of ten of my favorite bookish secret passageways from around the interwebs:
Nothing says old money like a piano and a room hidden behind warm wood floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. (fromIndoor Billboards)
This kid’s bookshelf opens to a secret reading nook. A SECRET READING NOOK. I would’ve never left. (fromEverything About Secret Bookcase Doors)
…Harry, are you in there? (from Wif and Hub)
A secret passage in a gothic library that opens to reveal…a table for tea? How very Bronte. (from The Ballroom)
I’ll just be over here, hanging out with ALL THE WHIMSY IN THE WORLD. (from Everything About Secret Bookcase Doors)
For the minimalist in the family. (from Words N Stuff)
Because sometimes you should have to climb a ladder to reach your secret passageway. (from StashVault)
I feel like this would be in the Beauty and the Beast library. (from Everything About Secret Bookcase Doors)
stashvault:teachingliteracy:hidden door.I can’t get enough secret doors.This is an old school, vintage bookcase door. I’d like to see what it looks like when the door is closed
Old school like the old school. (from Everything About Secret Bookcase Doors)
For when you need to hide your Cold-War-spy era desktop computer. (from Luxury Housing Trends)

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