Saturday 5 October 2013

The disappearing dogs: Ex-popular pedigrees face extinction as fashionable pets take over

THANKS to the Queen, the Pembroke Welsh corgi is among the world's most famous breeds of dog. Like headscarves and pearls, they accompany Elizabeth II wherever she goes.

The-Otterhound-ALAMY-The Otterhound [ALAMY]
Uniformed footmen escorting the short-legged farming dogs up and down the steps of aircraft are a familiar sight on royal overseas tours.

But Pembroke corgis have a less well-known cousin. The Cardigan Welsh corgi bears a close resemblance to its grander relation but its long tail is bushier, its coat can be brown, black and brindle as well as red and its nature is gentler.

Despite this the Cardigan variety is one of a group of British dog breeds identified by The Kennel Club as being under serious threat from a steep decline in popularity.

The Kennel Club is Britain's largest organisation dedicated to canine welfare and each year registers more than a quarter of a million dogs and puppies. Last year 36,487 of those puppies came from the UK's favourite breed, the Labrador. By comparison the number of Cardigan Welsh corgi pups registered was 94. This year that figure is likely to be even smaller.

This worrying situation for dog enthusiasts is one the Club has addressed over the past decade. The Club's Vulnerable Native Breeds initiative aims to identify those at risk and draw public attention to their virtues. It includes a list of more than 20 breeds which register fewer than 300 puppies a year.

Today Chihuahuas are among Britain's favourite dogs, beating dachshunds, whippets, Yorkshire terriers and beagles in Kennel Club polls. This huge popularity is largely attributable to a celebrity penchant for "handbag dogs" as beloved by the likes of hotel heiress Paris Hilton and singer Cheryl Cole. Thanks to the Hilton factor, 3,518 Chihuahua puppies were registered with the Club last year.

But even this figure is eclipsed by the vogue for pugs. Pug mania has been spearheaded by a clutch of high-profile owners, including Kelly Brook, Ted Danson, Hugh Laurie, Jodie Marsh and, until the death of Mr Pickles in 2011, Jonathan Ross. In 2012 The Kennel Club registered 7,539 pug puppies.

Caroline Kisko, secretary of The Kennel Club, says: "Celebrities, popular culture and fashion play a big part in today's society and, unfortunately, dogs are not immune to our fickle tastes. The latest victim is the English setter, a wonderful and loyal breed. Much of this is about the profile of the dog, whether or not people are aware that the breeds exist. Some of the problems we have with the vulnerable breeds are that people have simply forgotten that they are there."

Some dogs under the spotlight, such as the Glen Of Imaal terrier, are so rare that the nearest most people come to seeing them is on television at Crufts. Most of us have never even heard of a Lancashire heeler and wouldn't recognise the curly-coated Irish water spaniel.

Other endangered breeds are better known, such as the Old English sheepdog and the Irish wolfhound. Both are too large for most modern homes and require too much exercise for owners who work. In almost every case the endangered breeds identified by The Kennel Club were once working dogs. Some were bred for catching rats, others for rooting out badgers. For centuries Welsh farmers used corgis for herding everything from cattle to geese. Modern farming methods, as well as new regulations governing traditional country sports, have reduced the need for working dogs.

That doesn't stop many of these characterful and handsome animals making excellent family pets. In November several of the Vulnerable Native Breeds will be at Discover Dogs, an event organised by The Kennel Club to introduce the public to more than 200 of them.

SEALYHAM TERRIER Like corgis, Sealyham terriers originated in Wales. They were first bred in Victorian times by Captain John Edwardes of Sealyham House in Pembrokeshire. He wanted a small dog with a strong instinct for pest control. Crossing corgis and wirehaired fox terriers with the English White Terrier, a breed which is now extinct, he created a dog with powerful 7 8 9 10 17 18 19 20 jaws and a wiry white coat. He used it for chasing rats, squirrels, stoats, badgers and even otters. In their heyday Sealyhams became a favourite breed with such Hollywood actors as Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart, Bette Davis and Elizabeth Taylor. Crime writer Agatha Christie owned Sealyhams, while Princess Margaret called her two Pippin and Johnny. A win at Crufts in 2009 boosted interest in the breed but Sealyhams still register fewer than 100 puppies a year.


These large white spaniels, with distinctive lemon and orange markings, were also once royal favourites. Prince Albert owned seven of them, which he used as gun dogs. So did his son Edward VII and his grandson George V. Queen Victoria described Clumbers as "such dear, nice dogs". Heavier and slower than most spaniels they are also kind, intelligent and companionable, making them excellent family pets although their size makes them unsuitable for smaller homes. They are named after Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire, once the home of the Dukes of Newcastle.
dogs, pets, extinction, pedigree, fahsionable, the QueenParis Hilton with her Chihuahua [REX]
The Cardigan variety of British dog breeds are under serious threat from a steep decline in popularity

This is Britain's rarest breed, with only 16 puppies born in the first half of this year. Across the globe otterhounds are more scarce than giant pandas. These huge, shaggy dogs, bred to hunt otters 1,000 years ago, have seen a steep decline in their numbers since the pursuit was banned here in 1978. Fans of the breed point to their intelligence and affectionate nature but these are big, messy, energetic creatures, which can be challenging to train and need plenty of space.


These long-haired little dogs from the Inner Hebrides have a romantic history. Were they once Viking dogs? Did they escape from a Spanish man-of-war shipwrecked off the Scottish coast at the time of the Armada? Legend claims a Skye terrier huddled under Mary, Queen of Scots' petticoats at her execution.

Queen Victoria became a fan, with her love of all things Scottish.

Greyfriars Bobby was a Skye terrier. In Victorian times he loyally stood guard over his owner's grave in an Edinburgh churchyard for 14 years. This summer, however, only four Skye terrier puppies were registered with the Kennel Club.


Like the Skye, the Dandie Dinmont is a Scottish breed and an old one too. Small and apparently sedate, they were nevertheless bred in the 17th century for otter and badger hunting. The name was later derived from a character in a novel by Sir Walter Scott entitled Guy Mannering published in 1815. Gardeners beware: Dandies excel at digging.


Only one dog in the world can smile: the Sussex spaniel. So the story goes. These chocolate-coloured, silky-coated, stocky animals were bred as gun dogs at the end of the 18th century but are better known today from their appearance in adverts for clothes shop chain Hackett. Owner Jeremy Hackett is a fan: his first Sussex came from Battersea Dogs Home. They have a calmer nature than many spaniels but a clownish side as well. Although fewer than 100 puppies are registered each year with the Kennel Club, this is progress for the Sussex. At the end of the Second World War there were only seven of these dogs left in Britain.


In Ireland in the Twenties one in four puppies registered with the Irish Kennel Club was a Kerry Blue terrier. They are long-legged, high-energy, wavy-coated dogs famous for their sense of humour. The unusual "blue" colour of their coat develops slowly during puppyhood. Today Kerry Blues have been eclipsed in popularity by Miniature Schnauzers, which are smaller but similar in appearance. While the Miniature Schnauzer is one of the most popular breeds in the world, Kerry Blues face an uphill struggle with annual puppy registrations hovering round the 200 mark.


Elizabeth I's doctor John Caius described these black and tan smooth-coated terriers more than 400 years ago. Caius's dogs were ratters. Throughout their history Manchester terriers have been famous for their ratting prowess. These were the dogs used by Jack Black, best-known of Queen Victoria's Royal Ratcatchers.

Manchester terriers are quick on their feet, with longer legs than the majority of terriers. Both traits result from crossbreeding with whippets early in their history. Later, some breeders crossed the dogs with Chihuahuas to produce a smaller form of the terrier. But while the popularity of Chihuahuas continues to soar, as we have already seen, Manchester terriers struggle to register more than 100 puppies a year.


The popularity of the English setter has declined dramatically since 2010. Elegant dogs first bred as gun dogs, these setters are affectionate and good with children.

The Kennel Club describes them as being among the most glamorous of all dogs with long, silky white coats generously flecked with colour and feathery tails.

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