Thursday 4 April 2013

Sexy copycats! Handsome celebrity men including Robert Pattinson, David Beckham, Robert Downey Jnr and David Gandy meet their kitten body doubles in adorable photo blog

  • French Tumblr blog Des Hommes et Des Chatons becoming internet hit after one month online
  • Other celebrities paired with cat lookalikes include Channing Tatum, Tom Hardy and Adam Levine
Step aside, dogs that look like their owners: it's time for kittens who resemble celebrity men.
French Tumblr blog Des Hommes et Des Chatons has dedicated itself to pairing up comparable images of deliciously photogenic famous males with those of completely adorable baby felines.
So Robert Downey Jnr and his fluffy body double both hold a karate stance; a hooded Robert Pattinson is juxtaposed with a ginger kitten wrapped in a blanket; David Beckham sports a bow tie similar to that worn by his ittle white fluffball equivalent; and Jack Black lets out a scream alongside a yawning moggy.
Streeeeetch! American actor Channing Tatum opens up for the camera, and a brooding tortoiseshell kitten flashes his snowy abs to the world
Streeeeetch! American actor Channing Tatum opens up for the camera, and a brooding tortoiseshell kitten flashes his snowy abs to the world
Switched at birth: A ginger cat, left, all wrapped up to look like hooded Twilight star Robert Pattinson, right.... or is that the other way around?
Switched at birth: A ginger cat, left, all wrapped up to look like hooded Twilight star Robert Pattinson, right.... or is that the other way around?
In other images Joseph Gordon-Levitt strums a guitar while a nonplussed pet is pictured with a tiny replica; British model David Gandy lies back biting his thumb alongside a reclining tabby nibbling his paw; Tom Hardy and teeny-tiny counterpart gaze out of a window; American singer Adam Levine and a ginger tomcat stare into a mirror; while Step Up star Channing Tatum and a tortoiseshell kitten stretch out their ads for the cameras.
The blog - an intoxicating mix of steamy, adorable and humorous - launched just over a month ago and is fast becoming an internet hit. We have no idea why...
For even more cats who look like men, visit Des Hommes et des Chatons
Play me a tune, Joe: American actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt strums his electric guitar while a black-and-white kitten looks seriously unimpressed with his acoustic instrument
Play me a tune, Joe: American actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt strums his electric guitar while a black-and-white kitten looks seriously unimpressed with his acoustic instrument
Don't bite your nails! British model David Gandy lies back and seductively nibbles his thumb while his tabby body double tries to fit his whole front paw in his mouth
Don't bite your nails! British model David Gandy lies back and seductively nibbles his thumb while his tabby body double tries to fit his whole front paw in his mouth
The name's Beckham, David Beckham: the footballer clearly gets his sartorial suggestions from this fluffy white dreamboat, not Victoria
The name's Beckham, David Beckham: the footballer clearly gets his sartorial suggestions from this fluffy white dreamboat, not Victoria
Want a fight? Tropic Thunder star Robert Downey Jnr and his lookalike kitten strike a karate pose... but neither looks especially intimidating
Want a fight? Tropic Thunder star Robert Downey Jnr and his lookalike kitten strike a karate pose... but neither looks especially intimidating
Make some noise! Comedy actor Jack Black lets out a caterwauling scream while a comparably whiskered counterpart can't manage to stifle his tiny yawn
Make some noise! Comedy actor Jack Black lets out a caterwauling scream while a comparably whiskered counterpart can't manage to stifle his tiny yawn
Hey, good lookin': Singer Adam Levine checks his tie in the mirror, and a ginger tomcat can't quite absorb how dashing the figure in front of him is
Hey, good lookin': Singer Adam Levine checks his tie in the mirror, and a ginger tomcat can't quite absorb how dashing the figure in front of him is
Raise your arms if you're photogenic: It's a close call as to who is more delicious, a muddy Zac Efron or this snowy-white sleeping kitten
Raise your arms if you're photogenic: It's a close call as to who is more delicious, a muddy Zac Efron or this snowy-white sleeping kitten
Catching some rays: Actor Tom Hardy poses beside a window, and his feline doppelganger works on his tan through the blind
Catching some rays: Actor Tom Hardy poses beside a window, and his feline doppelganger works on his tan through the blind

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