Saturday 6 July 2024

Damson Jelly


Had the damsons in the freezer and needed to make room for hopefully this years fruit.  I prefer Jelly rather that jam so no stones or skin.  I used the recipe below which after tasting might be a bit sweet for some so be aware.


  • 700 g damsons
  • 200 ml water
  • 400 g granulated sugar (approximately – weigh the strained juice and match the weight in sugar)


  • Freeze and defrost the damsons. Remove the stones with a cherry pitter.
  • Add fruit and water to a saucepan. Bring to a simmer, and cook until the fruit is soft. Mash with a potato masher to break up the flesh.
    700 g damsons,200 ml water
  • Spoon the fruit into a jelly bag and suspend it over a bowl to catch the juice. Leave to drain for about 12 hours, until it stops dripping. Don't poke or squeeze the bag.
  • Weigh the juice, and then add the same weight of sugar. You can weigh them in the saucepan you intend to use to save mess. This should be large and deep.
    400 g granulated sugar
  • Place clean jam jars in the oven, and heat to 140°C / Gas Mark 1. Place the lids in a bowl and cover with boiling water.
  • Heat the saucepan gently to dissolve the sugar.
  • Once the sugar has dissolved, increase the heat to bring the jelly to a rolling boil. Start testing for set, using either wrinkle, flake or temperature method.
  • Once setting point has been reached, take the jelly off the heat.
  • Fill the jam jars with jelly, and screw on the lids. Allow to cool. Store on a cool, dark shelf.

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