Friday 4 October 2013


This is a traditional British recipe, based on Mrs Beeton's recipe of 1861, for a classic method of pickling onions by first brining and then cooking in brine and milk until translucent before soaking over night in vinegar and spices and then storing in jars. This is a traditional British recipe redacted from the redoubtable Mrs Beeton's 1861 volume Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management, the classic Victorian cookbook. 

Original Recipe 


INGREDIENTS.—1 gallon of pickling onions, salt and water, milk; to each 1/2 gallon of vinegar, 1 oz. of bruised ginger, 1/4 teaspoonful of cayenne, 1 oz. of allspice, 1 oz. of whole black pepper, 1/4 oz. of whole nutmeg bruised, 8 cloves, 1/4 oz. of mace. 

Mode.—Gather the onions, which should not be too small, when they are quite dry and ripe; wipe off the dirt, but do not pare them; make a strong solution of salt and water, into which put the onions, and change this, morning and night, for 3 days, and save the last brine they were put in. Then take the outside skin off, and put them into a tin saucepan capable of holding them all, as they are always better done together. Now take equal quantities of milk and the last salt and water the onions were in, and pour this to them; to this add 2 large spoonfuls of salt, put them over the fire, and watch them very attentively. Keep constantly turning the onions about with a wooden skimmer, those at the bottom to the top, and vice versâ; and let the milk and water run through the holes of the skimmer. Remember, the onions must never boil, or, if they do, they will be good for nothing; and they should be quite transparent. Keep the onions stirred for a few minutes, and, in stirring them, be particular not to break them. Then have ready a pan with a colander, into which turn the onions to drain, covering them with a cloth to keep in the steam. Place on a table an old cloth, 2 or 3 times double; put the onions on it when quite hot, and over them an old piece of blanket; cover this closely over them, to keep in the steam. Let them remain till the next day, when they will be quite cold, and look yellow and shrivelled; take off the shrivelled skins, when they should be as white as snow. Put them in a pan, make a pickle of vinegar and the remaining ingredients, boil all these up, and pour hot over the onions in the pan. Cover very closely to keep in all the steam, and let them stand till the following day, when they will be quite cold. Put them into jars or bottles well bunged, and a tablespoonful of the best olive-oil on the top of each jar or bottle. Tie them down with bladder, and let them stand in a cool place for a month or six weeks, when they will be fit for use. They should be beautifully white, and eat crisp, without the least softness, and will keep good many months. Seasonable from the middle of July to the end of August. 

Modern Redaction Ingredients: 

1l pickling onions milk 2 tbsp sea salt For each 500ml vinegar: 50g ginger, bruised 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper 50g allspice berries 50g black peppercorns 12.5g whole nutmeg, bruised 15 cloves 12.5g ground mace Basic Strong Brine: 225g salt per 1l water olive oil Pickled Onions Preparation: Method: Wash the onions well, but do not peel. Place in a glass bowl and cover with strong brine. Leave the onions in the brine for 3 days, changing the brine every morning and evening (reserve the final brine). After this time drain the onions and remove the outer skins. Place the onions in a pan then combine equal volumes of milk and the final soaking brine so that you have enough liquid to cover the onions. Add two heaped tablespoons of salt then heat gently, turning the onions constantly with a slotted spoon so that the onions in the base of the pan come to the top. Continue cooking, but do not boil, until the onions are translucent (about 25 minutes). Take off the heat and drain in a colander (cover with a cloth to keep in the steam) then set aside over night until completely cold. Place the onions in a non-reactive bowl then take enough vinegar to completely cover them, add to a pan along with the ginger, cayenne pepper, allspice, black peppercorns, nutmeg, cloves and mace. Bring to a boil then pour over the onions. Cover with a cloth to keep in the steam and set aside over night. The following day, transfer the onions and spiced vinegar to cleaned and sterilized jars, top with olive oil then seal with vinegar-proof lids. Set aside for at least six weeks to mature before opening. Once opened, store in the refrigerator. 

Find more Mrs Beeton Recipes Hereand more Traditional Victorian Recipes Here

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