Wednesday 1 June 2022

The Bull Terrier


The bull terrier is a dog with no terms: you either love him or hate him.
Those who hate it, those who think it's ugly, those who think that it's met with a tapir or a pig, just don't take one and live peacefully.
Those who love him must be well aware:
a) who won’t have an “easy” dog
b) who won't have a dog that invites everyone else to play (even if someone does: but taking it for granted is pure madness)
c) that will not have a "stupid dog" at all (as many claim), but a tough, stubborn dog, that will often test him and often take him by the nose.
Then, for real: he’s a little stupid. Like all dogs, and especially all bull terriers. But they do stupid things especially when they play, when they are happy, when they want to show us all their affection. When they are serious, they have a highly functional brain
d) who will have to fight with Sciuremarie and cousins natural life during
e) that he will have, anyway, a dog so special that he probably won’t be able to live without
Once you become aware of all this, it is possible to let yourself be irritated by the incredible faces of the puppies, or remain fascinated in front of the equally incredible physical performance of adults.
But, please: NEVER forget the tender and sensitive heart that hides under that powerful chest.

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