Sunday, 23 March 2025

Lilly 2010 - 2025


Miniature English Terrier - The Miniature Bull Terriers have a very bold build. They have very muscular shoulders and a full body. Like the Bull Terrier, they have a head described as "egg-shaped". It is flat on top with a Roman nose. The eyes are triangular and closely set. The ears are carried erect and are not cropped or otherwise altered. The tail is carried horizontally rather than vertically.


Like Bull Terriers, Miniature Bull Terriers are loving and, like many terrier breeds, they can be stubborn at times; but despite this they make great dogs for people with limited space.

Miniature Bull Terriers are known to be stubborn and courageous. Despite their diminutive stature, they will readily challenge larger dogs. However, as with any dog, owners can reduce the likelihood of confrontations by providing appropriate training. They are very energetic and playful and love people, but care must be taken as they are variable around other dogs.

Miniature Bull Terriers require little grooming. A quick brushing once a day or a few times a week is sufficient. Sunscreen must be used on any sparse white sections of fur around the face, ears, hindquarters or stomach when outdoors to avoid sunburn and cancer.

Lilly, a rescue.  I adopted her in 2015 from Adopt a Bull Terrier.  An ex back yard breeding mini English Bull Terrier.  Disposed of like an empty bag of crisps after having two litters of still born puppies.  We collected her less than a month after the last failed litter.  Teets hanging towards the ground and looking very sad.  We knew she was for us.  Never ever showed any aggression or bad feeling towards any other animal or person.  Only one incident on the first day we collected her was towards our resident male bull terrier.  Troy, being a young boy, jumping around her and trying to show he was in charge but it didn't work.  She grabbed him by his ear like a naughty child to let him know things would change and she would now be in charge, and would be top dog.  No real injury, apart from his pride and as with most animals, he bowed to her authority in the pecking order.  For the next 5 years we had the joy of both male and female dogs.  As the breed shows, she was always a stubborn dog, knowing exactly what she wanted, but such love she gave me was unrivalled, We lost Troy to heart failure and maybe as a knee jerk reaction adopted a Pug from the same rescue.  Betty and Lilly were chums, she allowed the Pug to groom her, sleep with her and looked after her.  A week ago she started to throw up, maybe a tummy upset, she rallied, then within 4 days I knew her kidneys were failing.  Been here before with a previous Bull Terrier, an illness prevalent in Bull Terriers and finally the last trip to the vets.  A huge void has been left, I can't believe it, maybe shock, she was the best dog ever.  I've been left with so many positive memories and happiness supplied by Lilly and at some time, I'm sure I will remember these with smiles but for now the grief takes over.  It will be hard to find a dog who I connect with so well on so many levels, but, who knows.  I'm sure there will be another just waiting for me to find her.

“I loved you for your whole life and I'll miss you for the rest of mine.”

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