Sunday 14 September 2014

Creative Dog Owner Makes Adorable Images Of His Bull Terrier, Jimmy Choo

Justina Bakutyte
Botticelli's Venus never looked so happy.
This pup is a fresh new star in the Internet world and we already can't get enough of his adventurous images on Instagram. Jimmy Choo, the friendly bull terrier, finds himself in all sorts of unexpected situations thank to his owner's creative skills and endless imagination.

Meet Jimmy Choo, the friendly bull terrier with a rather unexpected name for a dog.

Rafael Mantesso/Instagram

According to his owner, Rafael Mantesso, the name was given by his ex-wife who was a stylist and loved Jimmy Choo's footwear.

Rafael Mantesso/Instagram

Mantesso says he didn't like the name at first but now he's got used to it.

Rafael Mantesso/Instagram

Now Jimmy and Mantesso, who is the owner of a Brazilian restaurant and editor in chief of a gastronomy marketing site, make up a powerful creative team.

Rafael Mantesso/Instagram

Mantesso told A+ that after divorce he was left in an empty house. Wanting to fill in the empty spaces, he started drawing and painting again.

Rafael Mantesso/Instagram

Jimmy Choo was always there to watch Mantesso work, so it was natural thing for him to snap images of Jimmy interacting with his art.

Rafael Mantesso/Instagram

Mantesso says Jimmy Choo is very energetic but he willingly helps his owner to realize his ideas.

Rafael Mantesso/Instagram

This shot of Jimmy Choo singing in one of Mantesso's favorites.

Rafael Mantesso/Instagram

Asked about creativity, Mantesso told A+ that the best way to stay creative is to exercise creativity. Even by force.

Rafael Mantesso/Instagram

He says he forces himself to create a new photo every day. The key is to observe the surroundings and seek inspiration in it.

Rafael Mantesso/Instagram
Rafael Mantesso/Instagram
Rafael Mantesso/Instagram

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