Friday 8 March 2013

Is your boss giving you free cinema tickets? Thought not

In China, bosses give their female workers free cinema tickets for International Women's Day while in Romania, friends are holding women-only dinners. Claire Cohen charts how ladies around the world are celebrating the day.

Cinema audience
In China, many women are given a half day off work and receive gifts from their employers, such as cinema tickets. 
The theme of this year's International Women's Day is a pledge to end violence and abuse against women. And the statistics are sobering.
UN research has revealed that about 603 million women worldwide currently face the risk domestic violence. Close to 70 per cent of women face such abuses at some point in their lives. Indeed, violence against women causes more deaths and injury among the global female population (aged 15 to 44) than cancer, malaria, road traffic accidents and war.
With such a serious subject on the agenda, it might seem frivolous to 'celebrate' IWD. But opinion is divided. For many, this is a political day, designed to highlight the struggles faced by women worldwide. For others, it's a sentimental occasion, in the same league as Mother’s Day. Some nations have long-held traditions to uphold, while others arrange a series of original events each year.
Here’s a taster of what’s happening around the globe today.


In Russia, International Women’s Day is traditionally celebrated at home. Families will enjoy a special meal and men buy gifts for their female relatives, friends and colleagues – red roses are a favourite, if not original, choice. In some cases enlightened men offer to undertake all household duties for the day, from child care to washing up and cooking.This is a non working day for all Russians; so many offices celebrate with small parties and gifts the day before. Older people tend not to partake in IWD - indeed, 14 per cent of the population didn't celebrate it at all in 2010.


Women make up around 46 per cent of the Chinese workforce. And, as such, IWD is a holiday for women only. Many are given a half day off work and receive gifts from their employers, such as cinema tickets. The same is true in Macedonia, Madagascar, Montenegro and Kyrgyztan.


The 'Join me on the Bridge' campaign began on IWD in 2010, when women from Rwanda and the Congo met on a bridge. The idea was to symbolically join their countries at the scene of the mass exodus from the Rwandan genocide in 1994. Each group of women carried half a banner which, when they met, read 'women are building bridges of peace'. Since then, the movement has inspired women in many countries to meet on bridges on IWD. Last year, saw over 75,000 people in 70 countries take part; from those who have suffered war and genocide to victims of gender inequality. This year, groups will meet on bridges from The Bahamas to Amsterdam.


In Romania, the day is the direct equivalent of Mother's Day, with children giving gifts to their grandmothers, mothers and school teachers. Female friends celebrate by holding women-only dinners and parties – the perfect excuse for a girls’ night in.


The number of women and girls in Cambodian prisons has soared over the past five years and the system is dangerously overcrowded – at more than 170 per cent of capacity.
The female inmates often suffer as a result, with no special dispensation made for pregnant women or mothers – who are often forced to take their children to prison with them. A report in 2011 found that the system budgets only $0.70 for each inmate – covering the costs of food, water, electricity, clothing and medical care.
For the past two years, Cambodian human rights organisation LICADHO has drawn attention to their plight, by delivering food and essential supplies to female prisoners in prisons on IWD and holding special events for the inmates, such as traditional dancing and games.


IWD can also be a time for men to stand up and speak out against violence towards women. In 2002, there were over 500 recorded acid attacks on women in Bangladesh. The Acid Survivors Foundation (an NGO) organised a men-only demonstration on IWD against this shocking practice. A staggering 5,000 men attended and support has grown ever since - with male film stars and cricket players publicly declaring their support. The IWD protest has become a regular event - and in 2012 there were fewer than 100 acid attacks on women in Bangladesh.


In Italy, women receive flowers - yellow mimosas are traditional (also the flower of choice in Albania). These are intended as a symbol of respect and an expression of solidarity with oppressed women all over the world.
In Italy, yellow mimosas are given to ladies on IWD. But, they maybe wouldn't be that impressed if they received them from Silvio Berlusconi.


Uganda celebrates IWD through sporting endeavours. The National Lady Rugby Team will be giving demonstrations at a day-long festival. While the ‘Run for Safe Motherhood’ marathon raises funds for hospital maternity wards.


The arts are on the agenda today in Fiji. The Fiji Women's Rights Movement is launching a year-long theatre programme for girls, aimed at encouraging them to speak up. The organisation hopes that by teaching young women to express their opinions at an early age, they will go on to become confident and articulate advocates for womens' rights in adulthood.


India is holding International Women's Week. The extended celebrations include music, performance art and a contest to crown India's top female blogger. But there's also a serious message, with free health checks for women; free gynaecological advice and the 'Foot March' - a peaceful protest walk which culminates in the gifting of sewing machines to widows and poor young women in need, to help them stand on their own two feet.


Girl Rising is a groundbreaking new film by Richard Robbins. It tells the stories of nine unknown girls from nine countries trying to get an education; was penned by nine writers and is narrated by nine of the world's most high-profile women, including Anne Hathaway, Meryl Streep, Cate Blancett, Freida Pinto and Alicia Keys. With special screenings for its launch in IWD, the film aims to raise awareness around the power of educating girls.
Aside from this, probably the most globally recognised and influential celebration of IWD in North America is the commission of a special Google doodle for the day - hopefully created by one of the company's two female doodle designers.

And at home?

In Glasgow, local women's groups are awarded grants. Manchester is holding the International Women's Day Awards to honour local women in under represented sectors such as the sciences. And in Scotland, 380 women from all walks of life will meet to hold a debate at the Scottish Parliament. London's South Bank, meanwhile, is playing host to the annual Women of the World Festival: five days of workshops, talks, concerts, debates and performances designed to celebrate the achievements of women, recognise emerging talent and discuss the difficulties still faced by women across the world.
Get the latest from Claire on Twitter: @clairecohen1

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