Monday 1 October 2012

Do The Downward Dog: The Pet Spa at Harrods Launch Doga

October 1, 2012 | By Sara 

Canines around the nation are assuming the downward dog in anticipation of the launch of Doga classes tonight at the iconic Pet Spa at Harrods.
Is the stress of the cat’s taunting starting to get to your dog? Tight muscles or achey joints from chasing that ball? Help is at hand. London’s poshest Pet Spa will tonight launch a series of Doga classes where you and your dog can relax and unwind together.
Described as a unique bonding experience for you and your dog, Doga, which was pioneered in New York is now seeing a growth in popularity across the globe. Doga allows dogs and owners to engage in a series of gentle stretches and poses which are said have a positive and calming effect. ”It’s great to have a form of exercise such as yoga in which you can include your dog, while also helping to strengthen the bond you have with your dog,” says Amy Clarke, Manager of the Pet Spa at Harrods.

Doga classes at The Pet Spa at Harrods will be hosted by Mahny Djahanguiri. Mahny, a certified adult and children’s yoga therapist with over 15 years experience including Myotherapy (canine massage), will take dogs and owners through a series traditional Hatha postures that are designed to stretch your pooch and leave you feeling super-relaaaaaaxed.
Doga classes will take place at the Harrods Pet Spa on Monday evenings from 6.30-7.30. Places are very limited to so to book please contact As well as grooming and Doga, Harrods Pet Spa also offers canine massage, reiki and fitness training for dog and owner.
Hommm or hooooooowl to your hearts content

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