Sunday 6 January 2013

Beam Me Up! William Shatner Tweets With Astronaut in Space

Date: 04 January 2013 Time: 10:15 AM ET
William Shatner with Image of Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield
‘Star Trek’ star William Shatner poses with a 2-D image of Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield as part of a photo contest run by the Canadian Space Agency to promote the spaceflyer’s upcoming mission.
CREDIT: Comicon de Montréal 2012

Actor William Shatner of "Star Trek" fame used Twitter to ask Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield on the International Space Station if he'd be tweeting from space. Hadfield tweeted back, "@WilliamShatner Yes, Standard Orbit, Captain. And we're detecting signs of life on the surface."
Move over Scotty, Captain Kirk has a new favorite engineer. Actor William Shatner, the Canadian actor who portrayed the iconic captain of the Starship Enterprise on TV's "Star Trek" hailed Canada's soon-to-be first space station commander on Twitter to find out the latest news from orbit.
Shatner wrote to Canadian Space Agency astronaut Chris Hadfield, who posts Twitter updates as @Cmdr_Hadfield, Thursday (Jan. 3) using his own Twitter handle @WilliamShatner.
"@Cmdr_Hadfield Are you tweeting from space? MBB," Shatner wrote, signing off with his abbreviation of "My Best, Bill." 

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