Friday 18 January 2013

Board Games for Book Lovers

There are few things I like to do better than play a good game. Rummoli, Texas Hold ‘Em, Charades, Cribbage, Pictionary – you name it, I’ll probably love playing it. And of course it goes without saying that I adore books, so I was happy to find that Flavorwire has a list of 10 Literary Board Games for Book Nerds, with plenty of cool stuff to ogle. A few of the more remarkable ones included a Dune board game, a German Moby Dick board game, a Don Quixote board game, and more.
I wondered what other book-related board games I could find, and whether we had them available on AbeBooks. Here are a few of the gems I discovered:
This Uncle Wiggly board game comes from Howard Garis, author of the Uncle Wiggily Bedtime stories and other Uncle Wiggily books.

Peter Rabbit’s Race Game, based on the adventures of Beatrix Potter’s beloved character, Peter Rabbit.

A Starship Troopers board game based on Robert Heinlein’s classic Starship Troopers (one of our 50 essential science fiction books!)

This is an Alice in Wonderland card game, not a board game, but still wonderful – “The New and Diverting Game of Alice in Wonderland, consisting of forty-eight pictorial cards…” one copy from 1905, one from 1920. Based on C.S. Lewis Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

This is a Walking Dead board game (zombies!). It’s based on the TV show, but the TV show is based on The Walking Dead graphic novels by Robert Kirkman.

And of course a Game of Thrones board game… which I can only imagine should never be played by children. Ever. And by children, I mean anyone under 25.

Happy reading, happy gaming!

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