Monday 7 January 2013

Pictured are books in the University of Salamanca library, Spain.

The University of Salamanca Library is the oldest library in Spain and dates from 1254. It was founded by Alfonso X el Sabio. The present library building was constructed in the 16th century by the architect Manuel de Larra Churriguera, who was the nephew of Alberto de Curriguera, the architect of the Plaza Mayor. This library has 485 books published before 1500. Today the library has 63,000 books that were published between the 16th century and 1830.
I knew I should have studied Spanish...

Pictured are books in the University of Salamanca library, Spain.

The University of Salamanca Library is the oldest library in Spain and dates from 1254. It was founded by Alfonso X el Sabio. The present library building was constructed in the 16th century by the architect Manuel de Larra Churriguera, who was the nephew of Alberto de Curriguera, the architect of the Plaza Mayor. This library has 485 books published before 1500. Today the library has 63,000 books that were published between the 16th century and 1830.

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