Saturday, 24 November 2012

How Bull Terriers were made

How Bull Terriers were made...
When God made the animals 2 by 2, he had parts left over and thought what can I do.

The ears of a lamb, the nose of a rat, adding the eyes of a pig he said "now look at that". Seeing the silhouette of an advark, god laughed with glee "he is the funniest thing I ever did see!"

Placing together, on the chest of a bull, he added "spice essence of mule". Inserting the heart of a lion- the front now intact. He joined it together with rhino in back.

The small critter grinned, with a hyena smile. And God patted its head thought for a while. He sat back and smiled to the heavens above "I have created a face only a mother could love"

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