Wednesday 9 October 2013

Outfoxed! Fearless cat turns guard dog as he chases intruder off his land

  • Leon the Norwegian Forest Cat outfoxed his furry rival
  • The cat chased an intruding fox off his owner's land in Norway

History tells us that Vikings are not ones to cross, a lesson hard learned by this fox who dared tresspass on the land of a Norwegian Forest Cat.
Leon the cat did not take lightly to the wild fox approaching his owner's bins and looked more like a mountain lion as he launched himself after the intruding predator.
Leon had no problem showing the fox who was boss, and swiftly chased the fox off his owner's property in Troms, northern Norway.
Supercat: There is no mistaking the fear in the fox's eyes as he realises he has messed with the wrong house cat
Supercat: There is no mistaking the fear in the fox's eyes as he realises he has messed with the wrong cat
Leon the lion: The cat dashed after the fox with the fearlessness of a much larger feline and quickly sent it packing
Leon the lion: The cat dashed after the fox with the fearlessness of a much larger feline and chased it down
Outfoxed: The fox bitterly regretted his decision to ever come near Leon's owner's bins
Outfoxed: The fox bitterly regretted his decision to ever come near Leon's owner's bins
Owner Evy Hind, 48, caught the moment  Leon turned guard cat outside her house, using lightning speed to run down the fox.
It is clear the fox was in no mood to mess with this killer cat as he quickly sprinted off.
Evy was enjoying her morning coffee on the porch when the drama unfolded.
She said four-year-old Leon has always been known for being a bit of a grumpy cat, not afraid to throw his weight around to get his way.
The terrified Mr Fox: The fox appears to be barking for mercy as Leon nips at his tail as to get him off the grass outside his owner's house in Troms, Norway
The terrified Mr Fox: The fox appears to be barking for mercy as Leon nips at his tail as to get him off the grass outside his owner's house in Troms, Norway
Closing in: It takes a pretty brave creature to stand up to Leon - and this fox was not among them
Closing in: It takes a pretty brave creature to stand up to Leon - and this fox was not among them
Off he goes: The fox runs as fast as his legs can carry him with Leon at his heels
Off he goes: The fox runs as fast as his legs can carry him with Leon at his heels
Protector of the realm: Norwegian Forest Cat Leon looks on as the fox runs off into the distance
Protector of the realm: Norwegian Forest Cat Leon looks on as the fox runs off into the distance

The housewife said: ‘Leon chased and followed the fox that came into our yard, he doesn't like foxes and they went at it like cats and dogs.
‘With his big hair Leon obviously looks pretty scary because the fox which was bigger than him was obviously scared of a fight.
‘The fox came into his territory so Leon went into battle mode, I ended up having a super morning with a cup of coffee and my camera.’
Leon is a Norwegian Forest Cat, a breed known for its lion-like features and long hair. Is the breed's name alludes, it is especially adapted to live in the cold Norse climate with its long hair and sturdy body.
It is thought its ancestors served as mouse catchers on Viking ships and that the modern Norwegian Forest Cat's ancestors are the 'mountain-dwelling fairy cat' referred to in Norse legends.

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