Wednesday 6 June 2018

Whose Who?

Thank yo CJ for your beautiful art and poetry❤️
Whose Who?
“Who said who?” the startled dog exclaimed!
“Who” the owl replied, again.
Spinning around in circles to see the source of the sound
The dog tipped to and fro and spilled upon the ground!
He rolled up next to a stump
And that caused him to stop.
And sitting staunch and somber
Was this little odd bird perched on top.
“Who are you? Are you who said ‘Who’?
The dog asked of the owl.
“Who, who!” screeched the owl
As he looked at the dog with a scowl!
“I asked you first!” was the quick reply
As the dog felt really secure.
Then something within him was feeling weird
As he was beginning to feel unsure.
Maybe this little creature
Had some kind of special power,
Because dog was sensing something
That was making his taste turn sour.
He took a closer look at the owl
And the owl glared back at him.
“Are you doing something to me?” said dog
And then… the owl just stared at dog and grinned.
I’ll catch you for what you’re up too!
“You asked me ‘Who’ again!
You’ll not fool me!” yelped dog
“For I will surely win!”
“Who!” said the owl.
“Who?” screamed dog when came that sour taste.
“Who, who!” said the owl
When a worm came crawling down dogs face!
“Who, who!” said the owl.
Now, who has won the ‘Who Race’?
by CJ Boots Vail 2018
Art By CJ Boots Vail

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