Friday 28 June 2019

Story, of the Harebells!

Harebell, Bell-flower, Fairy's Thimble, Cuckoo's shoe; many, are the names, you're known, by; through the centuries, given you!
Heath Bell, Lady's Thimble, and eerily, as Old Man's Bell, (named for Scratch, Beelzebub, keeper, of most dreaded Hell!)
But, conversely, it is said, dreams, of you, bring true love, instead!
Of legends, all, - That flowers can change, to witch-hares, seems the one, most strange!
To cross the path, of such witch-hares, is best, avoided, so beware!
"Bluebell, of Scotland" (cherished name) is one, that garners you, most fame!
Your azure blooms are seen, in Summer; and do appear, once more, in Fall.
Often, they are found, self-seeding, even, in retaining walls!
Rocky soil, and crevices are places, where you feel, at home.
Your wiry stems, with foliage, narrow, sometimes, reach twelve inches, long!
Hardy, in dry, grassy places, you e'er shun, where the damp is found; but, grow, on barest, lonely slopes, and even thrive, on sandy ground.
Your slender, thread-like stalks bend down, unable, to straight posture, keep, and so, your nodding, azure blooms appear, to bow their heads, and weep.
"Grief", "Humility", "Submission", in the language, of the flowers, are meanings, with which, you are labeled; but, also, you mean "Childhood"'s power!
And the Fairies love you, well, for the ringing, of your bells, at their little Fairy Fests; some e'en say, "They love you, best!"
Donna L. Ferguson Dudley, copyright 2019 6/24/19
Artist, Lisa O' Malley

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