Sunday 22 September 2024


Here is one of only 3 or 4 photos in existence picturing the extinct Dalbo dog (Dalbohund), a cattle dog breed in Sweden that went extinct in 1913.
The first time the breed is mentioned is in Gunno Brynolphi Blutherus' (*1609-+1657) book Dalia printed in 1632 AD.
The stories that remain tell of a legendary giant dog who killed wolves, took on marauding brown bears, and defended small children who had got lost in the deep Swedish forests. There are also stories of Dalbo dogs who fought to the death saving humans from wolfpacks.
Here is one of only 3 or 4 photos in existence picturing the extinct Dalbo dog (Dalbohund), a cattle dog breed in Sweden that went extinct in 1913.
The first time the breed is mentioned is in Gunno Brynolphi Blutherus' (*1609-+1657) book Dalia printed in 1632 AD.

The stories that remain tell of a legendary giant dog who killed wolves, took on marauding brown bears, and defended small children who had got lost in the deep Swedish forests. There are also stories of Dalbo dogs who fought to the death saving humans from wolfpacks. 

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