Wednesday 18 September 2019

When Magic Came

When mid-of-night has passed away, and all the family, deep, in sleep, and only kittens and wee mouse, are left awake, the Faeries sweep, into the windows, left ajar, to welcome in the cooling breeze, to romp and play, till break of day, and share tea parties, at their ease.
From hour, to hour, they merry make, but always keep, a watchful eye upon Grand-father's moving face, for all too quickly, hours fly!
Each second, pendulum-expressed, as surely, the night hours go, and very soon, a sleeping child, could waken, from a sweet repose.
On one such night, at strike, of one, while Faeries gamboled, in their joy, awakened two, from dreaming state, a tiny girl, and tiny boy.
On hearing sounds, of squeaking mouse, and laughter's chime, and purrs, content; they hand, in hand, tip-toed to see, what meant, these sounds, of merriment!
They rubbed their eyes, in sweet surprise, to see the Faeries, playing there, and quickly, begged them not, to go, instead, their Fae tea party, share.
The Faeries, startled, rose, to flee, but one, more brave, than all the rest, looked deep, within their hearts, to see, announcing, they had passed her test!
So, all the Fae came gliding back, and swore them, both, to secrecy, and sprinkled them, with Faery dust, so able flyers, they could be.
They drank the tea, nectar-infused, which opened new worlds, to their view, revealed, to them, 'neath diamond skies, such scenes, of beauty, brightly, hued!
As if, the daylight had arrived, so bright the scenes, they traveled o'er, but oh, the colors, there revealed, were wonderment, and so much more!
O'er oceans, spin-drift sugar-tossed, and through clouds, cotton-candy pink, they found the shore, of Faery Land, their journey, quicker, than a wink!
At mushroom's circle, setting down, not tired, a bit, after their flight, were charmed, to be the guest, of Fae, cavorting with them, through the night!
And when, sleep called, as call, it must, the children, curtsies and bows made, and thanked the Fae, for all the fun, that they had had, in Faery Glade.
And all the Fae, who'd brought them, there, arose, and took them home, again, to sleep, in their own feather beds, though never, would they be, the same.
For, Faery dust, well-sprinkled, leaves, a bit of magic, ever after!
From that point on, when 'ere they wished, they heard the sounds, of Faery laughter, inviting them, to leave their beds, cross waving ocean, to their shore, and enter in, to Land, of Faery, to sing and dance, with them, once more!
Donna L. Ferguson Dudley, copyright 2015
Lovely scene, by Charlotte Bird

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