Thursday 24 September 2020

Where Magic Dwells!

Brownies, Faeries, Elves await those who find an altered fate.
Past the veil are creatures strange, quick, to your truths rearrange!
There, Trolls, 'neath a bridge require a toll to pass.
Else, tempers sour.
And Will o' the Wisps will lead you on until way back becomes unknown!
Faery rings, a circle trace; there, Enchantment bares its face, capturing those without the tokens to break Fae's spells, silent or spoken.
But those who wisely hide away four-leafed clovers thwart Fae's play.
For, when their feet have danced 'til sore, they are forced to dance no more!
And the Fae, caught, unaware bow to such wisdom; fair is fair!
Nixies, (water Faeries) play through sparkling rivers' waterways,
Their skin, translucent, (very white), with hair of green makes quite a sight!
Pixies leap through air in bounds; don't let them get you turned around,
"Pixie led", you soon will be to water traps, way past your knees!
But sometimes, if thirst needs quenching, that's extra helpful, I should mention,
For, though from earth and air, they spring; they always drawn to water seem!
Still, in that water you may see a Kelpie; now, forewarned you be.
For Kelpies in horse form appear; but dunking you gives them good cheer!
There's much to see and much to do where everywhere, Magic's on view!
But best read books of Faery lore before you do your crossing o'er,
For, Bogies, and Spriggans, past veil are found; and Pookahs travel Enchanted Ground!
There are marvelous wonders you're welcome to view, if you are determined; it's all up to you!
Perhaps, you and I through portal shall travel and try the great mysteries to unravel!
Donna L. Ferguson Dudley, copyright 2017 7/28/17
Art, by Brian Froud

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling

Trolls, Moonbeams, Leprechauns And Stardust.
A world of caves, caverns, thickets and ledges
A place of bracken, heather, thistles and sedges
Of Spider webs, mosses, mushrooms and hedges
Green grassy dells, craggy hills of raggedy edges
Environments of enchantment, worlds of auld lore
Mysterious encampments of wee people of yore
Broad iron hinges on wee ancient oak doors
Behind which lie treasures on cool earthen floors
Oak roots brace ceilings, which green lichen adorns
Crude clever furniture, fashioned from shells of acorns
Curly toed slippers, forest green pointy caps
Thistle down mattress, bunk bed for long naps
Gossamer wings of wand wielding fairies
Flitting about o’er fields of silverberries
Leaving scintillating trails of sparkling, luminary
Like tiny comets tails, so temporary
Trolls under bridges, mean tempered and grumpy
Grey unkempt hair, clothes soiled and frumpy
Short and squat, a bit ugly and dumpy
Big crooked noses and skin mottled and bumpy
Worlds of mysterious wonder of which man knows little
Beings and places neath and above the earths crust
Haunting sounds o’er glen from a wee golden fiddle
Trolls… moonbeams… leprechauns and stardust
David Whalen
Art Brian Froud

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