Saturday 2 October 2021


* I shall wake you up at 5am if I want breakfast
* I shall sniff EVERY lamppost, blade of grass, Bush etc on a walk
* I shall not walk anywhere I don't want to and will stop dead in my tracks at any time!
* I shall expect the rain to stop if I stop walking
* I shall stop mid crossing a road to shake myself
* I shall howl if you dare to go to the bathroom or leave the room
* I shall emit horrible gas whenever I want
* I shall refuse dog food unless there is some human food in it
* I shall only sleep on your bed and take up most of the space
* I shall snort in your face whenever I feel like it
* I shall sneeze in your face when having kisses
* I shall demand snacks at all times
* I shall look at every person with food (including visitors)with big sad eyes until they give in and give me some
* I shall sniff your eyes
* I shall try and lick up your nostrils and in your ear.
* I shall DIG!!! All I want to make sure I’m under the blankets because you forget to cover me up
* I will bark at you to get my toy as I just dropped it off the bed
* I will dig at the bed randomly
* I will make you carry me outside at night because I do not want to go toilet and then i will refuse to go
Any Others!!!

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