Thursday 22 November 2018

From A Pup To A Dog

From A Pup To A Dog
I have an Irish setter who always plays me up,
Never dreamt of such hard work by taking on a pup.
He’s always up to mischief every minute of the day,
But how can I say no to him when he asks me to play?
He steals my dirty washing he steals the clean stuff too,
I chase him round the garden and slip over on his poo.
As I’m getting off the ground I’m sure I see him laugh,
The only time he stays still is when I put him in the bath.
Do all dogs get out of the bath and have a good old shake?
Sometimes I think his antics are way too much to take.
I dry him off and brush him so he really looks his best,
He then goes and rolls in all the dirt he is a bloody pest.
I take him out for walkies he walks well on the lead,
He turns into a different dog the moment he is freed.
He runs into the long grass then dives into the lake,
Sometimes I just wonder how much more I can take.
People say my dog is crazy but I know that he is smart,
From the moment that I got him he really stole my heart.
Each night we sleep together and he gets a gentle stroke,
He steals all of the duvet I’m cold and it’s no joke.
Now he is much older I thought he may have settled down,
But not a hint of change in him he still is such a clown.
Would my life be so different without this naughty boy?
I think you know the answer I love my red bundle of joy.
Riley Benstead.
Portrait by Ethiriel Photography

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