Wednesday 7 November 2018

I Wear My Poppy With Pride

I Wear My Poppy With Pride
(The most decorated dog of WW1)
There’s a dog that must be mentioned,
this dog was mighty brave.
He earned his place in history
beyond his Smithsonian grave.
Which is his final resting place.
You would have found him in the trenches
with the men from 102.
With eighteen months of warfare,
attacks, he’d seen a few.
Seventeen to be exact
He warned the troops of mustard gas
and consoled the dying men.
Considered as a ‘mercy dog’,
both steadfast and a friend.
How did he get there?
Corporal Robert Conroy
found this soul mate on parade.
That hobo from Connecticut,
then joined their planned crusade.
To Northern France they headed
with Stubby stowed away.
Even when discovered
he was authorised to stay.
Did Stubby help the campaigns?
Stubby proved an asset,
admired by all the troops.
He even stopped a German spy
who was on the prowl for snoops!
How was Stubby rewarded?
The women of Chateau Thierry,
on liberation day,
gave Stubby dog a special gift,
a blanket for display.
Was Stubby promoted?
For Stubby was a Sergeant,
out ranking his friend Bob.
Festooned with many medals,
he’d done a sterling job!
Seen as a war time hero,
combatant extraordinaire,
Stubby went down in history,
his name was everywhere.
Loved by an entire nation for his bravery.
President Woodrow Wilson
shook Stubby by the paw.
He was the dog who went to battle
and helped them win the war!

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