Saturday 10 April 2021

I want to get lost

 This is lovely, written by a dog friend on Facebook

In the warmth of a sunrise upon my face whilst the moon still sits in the sky at my back.
In the ripples of water turned to liquid gold as the lights dapples and reflects on its surface to shimmer in the reflection of my eyes.
In the midst of a field as a breeze passes by to make the dew dance upon blades of grass. A spectacle of jewels in the morning sun.
In the depth of a forest as the wind sings a melody passing through branches and leaves to accompany the dawn chorus.
In the texture of a two hundred year old oak trees bark and compare it to the wrinkles upon my face.
In the fascination of a spiders web as I watch in awe at its pure genius of engineering withholding the wind in delicate near invisible strands.
In the pages of a book with words that pass before mine eyes to take me to others worlds, other times, other people until I am no longer within my own presence.
Let us all get lost in time, let us all just drift upon the tide of life presented before us. Let us all remind ourselves of who we really are.
I want to get lost, I haven’t been lost for such a long time.

May be an image of twilight, nature and lake


  1. Mike is a dog friend of mine who has Bipolar. He has a bull terrier and a bulldog and a very genuine man x
