Friday 3 January 2014

Breathtaking Designs in the Snow. ~ Heather Grimes {Photos}

Via on Dec 24, 2013

There is something so magical and transcendent about the freshly fallen snow.

It seems to mute the incessant white noise of an ordinary day. It pulls the details that are always in the forefront to the back, highlights the bits that easily go un-noticed—like the crystalline emptiness of the sky, the exact pencil-line of branches. Something in the juxtaposition makes new details emerge into view.
I always think of fresh snow on the yard as a blank canvas. I secretly want to be the first to shatter its perfect flatness. (Now that Opal is four, we race for the honor.)
Enter: Simon Beck, the artist.
He takes the notion of snow-as-clean-canvas to a whole new level. He will walk miles of meticulously crafted steps to create one piece of art that could be blown away by dinner time.
Like an impressionist painting, it doesn’t look like much up close—just a man tromping in the snow.
But pull back.
Even further.

What an incredible, quiet way to befriend the season.
For more photos, and to follow this wild, inspired fellow, click here.
I have a hard time not getting too attached to the tracks my vacuum makes in the clean carpet—I have a lot to learn from this man.

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