Saturday 7 July 2018


Piglet is a friend of mine on Facebook, Mike is a lovely person whom I have also met.  These are lovely words he has written today and which he always writes.  Just lovely xxx

Piglet And Me
17 hrs
Yesterday I was sat outside with Piglet, we were enjoying the day whilst sat in the shade on a balmy summers day, the motorbike sat in front of us in the drive. My wife came out and took this photograph and it reminded us of a similar photograph taken with Big H. It was only when I went back to do a comparison did we realise it was exactly two years to the day between each image, the only difference is a pupper and I’m a little older.
It made me wonder about the whole time concept, how it’s a construct created by mankind so as to regulate and control as we rotate on a rock that in turns rotates around a dwarf star.
We count seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, centuries and millennia to the simple tick of a clock as a hand passes by a number. Time to get up, time to go to work, time to eat, sleep, time our programs start and stop. Time, tick tock, the hand passes a digit and another second of your life passes you by.
Maybe we need to rethink, re-wonder and reimagine this whole concept. Maybe we need to measure our lives on what matters more than the simple ticking of a clock.
The time we spend in love, being loved and giving love, holding hands just for that connection to another human being. Sleeping and dreaming as your mind releases your imagination into the freedom of deep thought. Of walking with hands behind your back with a four legged friend walking with you, sniffing out new smells as they go. Of sunrises and sunsets in all their glory they fill all the voids in your heart and soul. Of loss, the passing of those you hold dear and the tears you cried at their depart but also for the fond memories they gave. Of birth and the miracle that is the cry of new life that comes into this world, our world to fulfil a dream we had or have.
I will not measure my time by the simple ticking of a clock, a hand passing digits will not depict seconds of my life passing by.
I will measure my life in the kisses I give my wife, my children, the smiles I pass to strangers who in turn pass the smile on. The company of Big H who carried me through an accident that they tell me should have ended my life. To the company of Piglet that carried me through the loss of an old friend who sat and watched daytime TV with me when he knew I could not move. To the nights I lay watching the world pass me by as my wife softly sleeps beside me giving me comfort in the reality of all I see.
This my friends is your time, your life. Do not gauge it, do not regulate it, remember it for all its beauty as you live it, as you lived it and as you pass through it. Look away from your clocks, look into your world.
Rethink, re-wonder and reimagine. ❤️

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