Thursday 7 March 2019

Petal Stashers

Faeries gather Daisy petals, and stash them, in old hollow trees.
Do you know their many uses? I can tell you, two or three.
Daisy petals are medicinal, and are called, the "Gardener's Friend",
Since, they give such sweet relief, for backs, too often, made to bend.
Did you know this flower's secret? Actually, it's "flowers' "-TWO!
One flower makes the outside circle, but inside, there's one more, on view!
Cluster, of small yellow flowers, said, to be the Daisy's eye,
In the middle, of the flower, extra bonus, does supply!
Salads sprinkled, with white petals, make for very healthful fare,
And petals make such lovely frocks, for spritely little Fae, to wear!
Said, to ease a cough, decoction, from the Daisy's, blessing, true.
Many more than one or two things, can the little Daisy do!
Faeries know well, every secret, and collect, with loving care,
With the aid, of fireflies' flashing, helping them, to find them, there.
While the moonlight's fingers play, upon the stream, wee Faeries fly,
And stars twinkle, in ovation, in their vast expanse, of sky!
Donna L. Ferguson Dudley, copyright 2016 9/24/16
Artist James Browne

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